How would you feel if you lost 100 pounds, doubled your income, created $5k of monthly passive income, increased the love in your top 5 relationships, felt more at peace? How would you feel if you knew how to set a HUGE goal and actually achieve it? That's what compression is. You're either growing or dying. Today's society accepts mediocrity. Compressors do not. We do not allow society to dictate our outcomes, we create them. To stay the same is to fail.
Welcome to Compression
Over 7 years ago Logan Freeman was cut from the NFL and lost his father suddenly to a drug and alcohol addiction. His identity was ripped from right underneath him. He proceeded to lose 120 lbs in 6 months, took a job making 250 cold calls per day to pay for his master's program, and completely reinvented himself through personal and professional development and massive strategic action. A little over 3 years ago Logan was fired from his “safe” six figures sales job. Once again there was a decision point. he had had enough. there are two types of people in the world, those who leave their financial success in the hands of others and those who take full responsibility and build their own futures. Logan has gone on to completing over $100M in commercial real estate transactions the past 3 years and is on a quest to compress that same production into 12 months. Logan is now the key principal of FTW Investments which owns over $50M worth of real estate including over 700 apartment units, an 800 unit self-storage facility, 2 hotels and two NNN retail shopping centers. ‘
Contact Fran for more info.
Jerome Myers is the preeminent authority of dream realization. A believer that dreams can, and should be real, Jerome left corporate America when he realized that his role offered financial gain, but little significance. He is the founder and head coach of Myers Methods and has been featured in Business Insider and numerous podcasts. After building a highly profitable division of a fortune 550 company, Jerome decided to leave the rat race to get away from what seemed to be the endless slew of layoffs. He has developed a system for exiting corporate America and creating a life of impact. Today, he and his company help other apex performers find their calling and live every day on purpose by harnessing the power of his model for a Centered Life, what he calls “the Red Pill”. Jerome and his firms can guide any individual from a monotonous uninspiring existence to a life of fulfillment and impact.