20.2 Million
Make EVERY SINGLE DAY count. We hear that phrase often and we hear it often for a reason.
If you spend your days the right way, you'll see the results at exactly the right time.
Tune in to this week's episode and listen to Jerome @myersmethods and Logan talk about maintaining a good work-life balance, best work practices, and a whole lot more.
The Tables Have Turned
The tables have turned, Jerome is IN THE HOT SEAT today!
Logan surprises Jerome and is the one asking the questions this episode.
Jerome talks about how his year has been going, his daily routine and what his plans are for the rest of the year.
Inflection Points
On his way to achieving one hundred million dollars in real estate transactions this year, Logan has been dealing with anxiety, with piled up stress closing in on him in all directions. This week, he realized that knowing himself, being vulnerable and facing the anxiety head on is the best way to deal with it. FEAR is simply false emotions appearing real.
February Recap, March Planning
How has the 1st quarter been for Logan Freeman?
From having a 7M dollar week to contracting Covid-19. Logan recaps how the 1st quarter has been for him, how he handled it, and his takeaways from it.
Whether or not you are having a good or a bad week/day, always try to find aspects of your life that you can polish to become better. Build robust systems so that when you face friction in life, however big it is, you have something to go back to.
Sandpaper Is Rough
Have a goal, a purpose, and a strategy, but be fluid in attaining them. Unforeseen situations happen all the time, you have to be able to adapt whenever needed. Don't focus on the details of the plan, the important thing is to reach the ultimate goal. Throughout the course of attaining our goals, the path will rarely be linear, but instead will require multiple course adjustments, pit stops, and rerouting along the way.
The One Where I Got COVID19
Earlier this week, Logan got the call confirming that he has contracted COVID-19. If you remember in last week's episode, one of the failures Logan listed was him being weirdly tired in the beginning of that week. He then started getting flu-like symptoms and decided to get tested for COVID-19. Thankfully though, his wife and kids did not have it.
19.3 Million
Logan is currently on the $19.3 million mark of his $100 Million year goal. From $12.3M to $19.3M, that’s a $7 MILLION asset value increase in a WEEK!! How does he do it !?!
Finish Strong Friday: 1% Better, Everyday
A sudden burst of improvement might be exciting and rewarding, but real and robust improvements happen a little at a time. It's those 1% improvements that become the foundation that create sustainable growth.
12.3 Million
This week’s biggest win! Logan is one step closer to a $100 million in a year. He currently REACHED the 12.3 million mark with his recent acquisition of his 42 unit apartment complex in the middle of the first quarter of the year.
Finish Strong Friday: Prudence
Prudence is the footprint of Wisdom. Be forward-looking and always plan ahead. Look within yourself and decide what the best direction to take is before stepping forward.
Listen to this short episode and learn the importance of the virtue of prudence in becoming a Compressor and what you need to have before you have prudence.
6.8 Million
Logan talks about his progress on his goal of reaching 100M Dollars in a year. Listen to Logan and Jerome talk about how to understand habit triggers and how learning to be self-disciplined in small components in your life builds willpower and momentum needed in tackling bigger problems
Finish Strong Friday: Now Is The Time
There is only one direction you should be going, and that is towards your ultimate goal. Will you give up? Keep going, no matter what obstacles are blocking the way.
Starting off the year off strong is important. In this video, we talk about creating the right habits and reflecting on the past month, set intentions for the next month and highlight a few breakthroughs. You won’t want to miss this one!
Join us in this influential video that will teach you how to develop success systems through daily disciplines.
Finish Strong Friday - I Got Called Out
I got called out. Have you ever been called out? How’s that make you feel? Every challenge can become an opportunity. Watch the video now to find out how and make sure to share this with a friend.
4.2 Million
In this video we talk about the method of setting goals, taking action on them, and compressing them.
Join us in this thought provoking episode that digs deep into planning your success the right way so that you can get it right the first time
FSF: Diamonds
Finish Strong Friday my fellow Compressors! Let's take a look at the analogy of creating diamonds and if you can handle the HEAT!
In this video we talk about what it means to be a COMPRESSOR and what it takes to become one. Are you ready to take it to the next level and become a COMPRESSOR?
Join us in this empowering video that you need to realize how much potential you have really had this entire time and finally take action.
FSF: Discipline = Freedom
Freedom is what everyone wants — to be able to act and live with freedom. But the only way to get to a place of freedom is through discipline. If you want financial freedom, you have to have financial discipline. Discipline equals freedom applies to every aspect of life: if you want more freedom, get more discipline
I Had To Write My Dad’s Eulogy
Who are you? Are you the exact image of your upbringing? We explore the sense of belief in this video as Logan gives honor to his father, and the words he gave to boost Logan’s huge success.
Finish Strong Friday - The Code
What is your code? A code is a way of life, a decision filtering tool that allows you to make decisions and stay focused. You need a code, and here's mine. Join us in this episode which will help you create a code that will lead towards the best version of yourself.